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Minimalism is defined as living comfortably with less.  Designing a minimalist home or commercial environment can be one of the most difficult to pull off as it’s all about stripping away layers at a time when we all seem to have so much………stuff.

A lot of our ranges are perfect for the minimalist look as they come in increasingly large sizes, with beautifully plain finishes to integrate themselves as part of the blank canvas for the statement pieces of furniture that are integral to any successful minimalist décor.

Strip away the layers and find the core of your existence.  Only then will you truly have achieved Minimalism.

Less truly is more, for minimalists



Pietre/3 is the direct result of a study with great attention to detail and a creative path that stays far from fads. The value of the essential lies at the origin of its marked elegance that withstands the passing of time. Stone sublimates an idea of simple elegance, so the elements find their own

Creating a minimalist environment can aid a tranquil and serene atmosphere.
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Boulder is a new, versatile collection of porcelain stoneware tiles that offer a new twist to concrete-like texture through contemporary tones.

Boulder makes modernity possible everywhere.

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Concept is a range that explores the softness and elegance of limestone.

In order to give this collection maximum realism, it was developed using mica crystals that can also be found in the original stone.

Suitable for use in medium to high foot traffic areas.